Children watched in horror as rhino killed a zebra in shocking attack at UK zoo
Visitors said they had earlier seen some rhinos chasing zebras in the mixed species African habitat.CHILDREN watched in horror as a rhino killed a zebra at a zoo yesterday.

“These sorts of incidents are extremely rare and we will continue to monitor the situation over the next few days.A spokesman said: “There was an incident in our mixed species African habitat between a rhino and our male zebra and sadly the zebra died.“We are directing our resources to make sure the rest of the animals in the habitat are settled.Staff at Colchester Zoo, Essex, cleared people from the attraction after the 2pm tragedy.
Another said: “I was there and witnessed it. Awful to watch. I’m very upset.”The enclosure, which was built in 2001, is home to giraffes, maneless zebra, white rhino, ostrich, crowned crane and a greater kudu.The shocking attack happened in an outside enclosure shared by the wild animals.“We are devastated by this loss.”
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One visitor wrote on Facebook: “So sad to read this.“We were at the zoo today. Literally just seen the rhinos and zebras chasing as we headed inside. We were asked to make our way to the exit to clear the area, not having a clue what had happened. The staff were amazing.”