Fears grow for two missing boys, 12, who vanished over 24 hours ago as cops warn ‘dial 999 immediately’

Jake and Reid were last seen in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, at 3pm on Monday October, 28.COPS have launched an urgent hunt to find two missing 12-year-old boys after they vanished over 24 hours ago.

Hertfordshire Police believe the boys man have travelled to the Grays area of Essex
Hertfordshire Police believe the boys man have travelled to the Grays area of Essex
Jake and Reid were last seen in Stevenage at 3pm on Monday October, 28
Jake and Reid were last seen in Stevenage at 3pm on Monday October, 28

Hertfordshire Police believe the boys man have travelled to the Grays area of Essex.Reid is described as being around 5ft tall, of slim build, with blond hair and blue eyes. He was last seen wearing a Nike grey tracksuit, a black body warmer and Nike Air Force trainers.The youngster also has freckles on his face and a scar just under his chin.Jake is described as being around 5ft 2ins tall, of slim build, with cropped dark blond hair. You can report information online at herts.police.uk/report, via online web chat at herts.police.uk/contact, or by calling the non-emergency number 101.He was last seen wearing a grey puffer jacket with a fluffy hoodie, jogging bottoms and baby pink Adidas trainers.

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