Katie broke both feet after I caught her sexting an England star… she cheated on me, with 3 other men, says Carl Woods
He said: “She was wonderful. “I was at hers building beds.

“You get wrapped up and it’s a whirlwind. “It actually happened because she went wild after I confronted her about cheating on me with a very famous footballer who plays for England. “A few months went past and I found out she had cheated on me that night. They went to Turkey the following month, where they had dental veneers implanted at a private clinic.
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“She moved in with me straight away and my life went on hold so I could take her to her hospital appointments and look after her 24/7.“I bathed her, carried her everywhere, I was doing everything. Carl said Katie bombarded him with text messages pleading with him to forgive her.“We sorted things out and she said we would have a baby together and she was going to change.”
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Carl and Katie’s relationship ended in December when he walked out.Katie recently appeared on Louis Theroux’s podcast and hit out at both Carl and Kieran.
“She liked to send OnlyFans pictures so no one could prove she was cheating. “She would sit there and Google herself looking at pictures of her younger days.”Carl said: “Katie lied and said it was her therapist. “It went from her telling me we are soulmates and we’ll be together forever to me getting in the car and never coming back.”“He was a German guy. “She didn’t mean to do it but she was running like a lunatic and she went off the edge. Carl became Katie’s carer and he said those months were the best of their relationship “because she couldn’t cheat” on him.“I got down on my knees and begged her to be truthful. “When I confronted her she went wild as she’d been busted. She was being unbearable. I couldn’t take it any more. It went from her telling me we are soulmates and we’ll be together forever to me getting in the car and never coming back“She wouldn’t think anything about going to Turkey as she would say, ‘What’s the point in me coming back as I’m just going to get arrested?’. “I don’t know who the real woman is.But Carl said: “She doesn’t lose sleep over anything.
Carl, speaking extensively for the first time about their tumultuous relationship, said he caught Katie cheating on him with a total of four men — all younger than her.Carl Woods
“She was gutted that I’d busted her.”“I resented myself and I became so miserable.Katie had to have an eight-hour operation to fuse the bones in her feet back together. Carl, who appeared on Love Island in 2016, added: “We spent all night in the hospital and she sobered up and told me that she didn’t think I liked her and that it wouldn’t happen again.But last year Katie cheated again, this time with a 23-year-old footballer. She was wonderful. I can’t say she wasn’t. She moved in with me straight away and my life went on hold so I could take her to her hospital appointments and look after her 24/7“She went skiing with him on the day of my birthday in February but she was messaging me to the lead-up of the trip. “Katie moulds herself into your perfect woman so that you’re always chasing that dream — but it’s a façade. “She was lining him up. Skint Katie, who was once worth £45million, was arrested at Heathrow airport in August after missing a bankruptcy hearing.
And he claimed her behaviour wore him down so much that the best period of their four-year relationship was when she was in a wheelchair following the accident — as she was unable to betray him.Carl Woods
Carl said: “It wasn’t so much a romantic break as I was in a lot of pain with my mouth.“It’s almost admirable how nothing affects her.“I had caught her messaging a Premier League footballer as she had tried to send videos to him while we were at the bar and was waving her phone around.Earlier this year, Katie started a relationship with Married At First Sight star JJ Slater, 31.Katie moulds herself into your perfect woman so that you’re always chasing that dream — but it’s a façade. I don’t know who the real woman isHe said Katie promised not to see him again but he walked in on her FaceTiming him halfway through an OnlyFans shoot. “Then she got better and it all went downhill from there.”A spokesman for Katie said: “Another ex cashing in on Katie. Carl said she even cheated on him in Thailand, a month after he found out about the second footballer, when he flew home following a row.“I really did love her but she broke me down.

“That’s how her mind works. “I can’t say she wasn’t. Used car dealer Carl Woods said he busted Katie speaking to the Premier League star moments before the accident in Turkey in 2020, which left her in a wheelchair.He said: “I found out about him because his wife messaged me on Instagram. I had caught her messaging a Premier League footballer as she had tried to send videos to him while we were at the bar and was waving her phone around“She just doesn’t care.”“I then got in my car and left.”Doctors put both legs in plaster and she was forced to use a wheelchair for six months.“She would get it and think, ‘Oh well,’ and go back to sleep.“The night she smashed her feet she was really, really drunk.
A judge reprimanded her for going to Turkey to get a £10,000 facelift.Carl Woods
“She was at home and a bailiff turned up and handed her a bill for £600,000 and she still slept soundly like a baby.She also discussed her time in The Priory, which she first checked into in 2020, saying she had “slowly been going off the rails for ten years”.“For someone who didn’t want to be famous, he’s not doing a very good job at it.”GLAMOUR model Katie Price’s former fiancé has revealed she really broke her feet in a 25ft fall after being caught sexting an England footballer.“She ran out of the room and went down the fire exit stairs, across the reception of the hotel, and straight out of the hotel car park.But Carl said he is “broken” by the relationship. And Carl said things were going well until Katie got “really, really drunk” four days into the break and he caught her trying to send videos to the high-profile footballer.“We’d only been together six weeks but it was her suggestion.“She did a lot to cover her tracks.”“Even on Valentine’s Day she sent me texts.He said: “I wanted it to work so much but I became a shell of myself. “That’s how she really did her feet.”Carl, 35, started dating mum-of-five Katie, 46, in June 2020 after meeting her at kebab restaurant Sheesh in Chigwell, Essex. “I wasn’t shocked when I heard they were together as she had made that comment.
Carl, who proposed to Katie in 2021, said there were numerous times he thought she had cheated on him but he had no evidence to confront her so brushed it away.Carl Woods
“I went back and I thought she was going to be remorseful but then she said to me coldly: ‘You knew I was sh****g him anyway.’“I asked her ‘Do you get naked for all your therapists?’”“She was very sloppy because of the booze and that’s how I found out. “She was meant to come back and she didn’t so I went home and I got a text in the middle of the night saying she loved me.He said: “We watched that series of Married At First Sight and she asked me if I knew him as he was an Essex boy.He said: “She said she was so sorry and it was just a drunken s**g. But Carl said Katie was still messaging him while she was dating JJ and left him WhatsApp voice notes telling him that they needed to be apart but she still loved him.“Everything with Katie moves very quickly. “She ran through the bush and the ground disappeared beneath her.He said: “We were in the middle of filming Mucky Mansion, a reality show about renovating her house. “You just fall madly in love.He said: “She was being unbearable. Speaking from his home in Essex, Carl said: “Katie told everyone the accident happened at a theme park — and then she said it happened when she was mucking about pretending to be a horse.It was Katie’s ex-hubby Kieran Hayler, 37, who told Carl about it after she used a family member’s Instagram account to message him.“That should have been enough for me to leave but I gave her the benefit of the doubt and stayed as it was so fresh and I thought OK it could be just a one-off.”“Before that night, I had seen him try to FaceTime her when we were out of the dental clinic and she had cancelled it.
“I do hope she does find happiness and I pray to God she finds the right man for her.”“I couldn’t take it any more.