Moment monster sobs & admits where she hid bloody hammer used to kill parents
Haunting footage released by police shows the killer breaking down as she gives detailed instructions on where to find the weapons she used to kill her parents.Despite brutally murdering both her parents in cold blood there is nothing that suggests even the slightest glimpse of remorse.

Essex Police carried out a review and concluded the female officer who interviewed McCullough had done nothing wrong.She adds: “I did know this would kind of come eventually. It’s proper that I serve my punishment.”“She spent the next four years manipulating and lying to family members, medical staff, financial institutions, and the police, spending her parent’s money and accruing large debts in their name.McCullough then hid her dad’s body in a “makeshift tomb” in a ground floor bedroom.Thank God the police – in McCullough’s own words – caught the bad guy because who knows how long she would have carried on living in that house of horrors with Lois and John unable to rest in peace.The officers and McCullough make their way past a wooden door, where the killer says: “My dad’s body is in there”.“Yeah, I know. I know but I’m trying to help so you find everything. It will still have blood on it. It’s rusted but will still have traces on it.She even signed her confession like she was signing for an Amazon package.
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The monster lived with the couple’s bodies for four years after murdering them between June 17 and June 20, 2019.“I deserve to get whatever’s coming sentence-wise because that’s the right thing to do and that might give me a bit of peace.”“Working with the police we built a strong prosecution case to show the level of McCullough’s deceit both before and after the killings, which helped deliver a guilty plea, thereby sparing the victims’ loved ones the pain of a trial.I’ve seen bodycam arrest footage where murderers feign surprise, ask for a cigarette, break down and a fair few “you’re joking” outbursts directed at police.McCullough seemed more bothered by the sleeves on her top than the gruesome revelation she was making.McCullough then points down the hallway before asking: “Can we go in there for a second just so I can tell you something?They discovered a “homemade mausoleum” where John’s body had been entombed.

Virginia McCullough stabbed her mum Lois, 71, multiple times and hit her with a hammer “like someone badly playing a xylophone” at their home in Chelmsford, Essex.McCullough tells the officers they can find her Lois’ body in a wardrobe “behind the bed at the back next to a sink”.Voice cracking, the monster adds: “So on the ground floor underneath the stairs, there’s a few like storage boxes and things and in the middle, I think it’s in both boxes or in a bag or something…if you want to shush after this I will but every bit helps…it’s a hammer.As the group stands in a separate room, she is asked about her mum but explains it’s a “little bit more complicated”.Chillingly, McCullough didn’t flinch as she walked police past the bedroom where her dad had lain dead for four years.A month before the grim discovery was made, police visited the home for a welfare check.All the while, the monster was using their bank cards to spend their hard-earned pensions – splurging £21,193 on gambling.Officers interviewed McCullough unaware the bodies were inside but no search was carried out as there was no indication of anything suspicious.She also killed her 70-year-old dad-of-five John by poisoning him with prescription medication crushed into his drink.She wrapped her mum in a sleeping bag and left her in an upstairs wardrobe.McCullough had stacked masonry blocks together, which were secured with filler, to make the tomb then covered it with blankets and paintings.“This was a truly disturbing case, which has left behind it a trail of devastation, and I can only hope that the sentence passed today will help those who loved and cared for Lois and John begin to heal.”She poisoned her dad then left him to die before going to bed.To cover her evil tracks, McCullough would constantly lie about their whereabouts – claiming the pair were on unwell or on holiday.By Holly Christodoulou, Digital Court EditorMost killers just continue lying in the hope their deceit will see them through to a not guilty verdict.Nicola Rice a Specialist Prosecutor for the Crown Prosecution Service said: “McCullough callously and viciously killed both of her parents before concealing their bodies in makeshift tombs within their home address.HARROWING footage shows the moment a monster broke down as she revealed to police where to find a bloody hammer used to murder her parents.IN all my years reporting on some of the most high-profile court cases, I have never seen a confession as chilling as Virginia McCullough’s.McCullough then stabbed Lois, who she described as a “happiness hoover” eight times in the chest and neck.
Never have I seen a killer so calmly confess to their gruesome crimes
In fact the only emotion she showed is when she mentions the bloody hammer she used to murder her defenceless mum. And even then there’s not a real tear in sight. The footage also shows the moment McCullough was finally arrested at the home where she lived with her parents’ rotting bodies.
“So not cooperating is futile…and I should pay for what I’ve done so yeah.”“I need to tell you something about what’s upstairs on the top floor as well.”