Towie stars at war as they take savage swipes at each on social media

Joe screams: “You can f*** off Ella, just get out.”Elma Pazar stepped in and told Freddie: “Look at me, look at me…don’t be so silly.”

An epic row kicked off between Harry Derbidge and Freddie with Harry's boyfriend Joe taking centre stage
An epic row kicked off between Harry Derbidge and Freddie with Harry’s boyfriend Joe taking centre stageCredit: Eroteme
Freddie rushed in to defend Ella when she was asked to leave the party
Freddie rushed in to defend Ella when she was asked to leave the partyCredit: Eroteme

He wrote in the caption, “Love you my little pom pom.””F*** off, get out,” which prompted Freddie to shout:Harry is then comforted by his boyfriend Joe Blackman, but is left seething when Ella hits back, saying: “‘I can go now because I’ve ruined your birthday again’, oh f*** off.”Jordan Brook intervened telling an emotional Harry: “You’re a bigger person, it’s your birthday, don’t worry.”

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When Ella and Dan hooked up during the cast trip to Bali, Harry, whom Ella thought was a trustworthy friend, disclosed the information to Amber Turner and her judgmental crew, dubbed “girl band.” Including Chloe Meadows and Courtney Green.Much of this series has centred around the love triangle between Ella Rae Wise, Dan Edgar and Amber Turner.A fan said: “Were the pom pom comments aimed at you.” “I just want to go home.

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Harry posted a picture of his boyfriend Jo enjoying a glass of wine with a small gif of a woman waving pom poms. “What do you mean get out.”Freddie replied: “I suppose so, but to be honest I kind of like it, its got a ring to it, shame they weren’t quick enough to think of it on their toes when we were filming 6 weeks ago.”Now Harry and boyfriend Joe have publicly mocked Freddie’s fashion sense on social media, but Freddie has wasted no time biting back.Joe hit back: “Go fight someone else’s battle.THE knives are out in Essex, as Harry Derbidge and boyfriend Joe Blackman, take aim at newcomer, Freddie Bentley, following a spectacular showdown on the season finale of TOWIE.Other cast members were then forced to intervene as the row escalated.Dani Imbert interjects: “You need to make up…this is ridiculous.”In a Q& A to celebrate the end of his first series, Freddie was asked for his reaction to the pomp pom joke. When Harry told Ella he’d ruined his party by showing up. He says: “You can go now because you’ve ruined by birthday again.”The trio clashed over their mutual friend, Ella Rae Wise, after Freddie rushed to her defence when Harry accused her of ruining his 30th birthday bash.In floods of tears, Harry added: “I’m being punished for being friends with these girls.”You’re f****** leary. Don’t f****** pipe up.”Then, an incandescent Freddie jumps up and launches a withering put down at Harry and Joe. yelling: “What do you mean get out…you f****** get out.The row erupted after the series long feud between Harry Derbidge and Ella Rae Wise came to a dramatic climax at Harry’s 30th.


As a result, Ella has felt betrayed by Harry and they’ve spent much of the series, estranged. Their once solid bond, now appears to be broken. But avid fans know only two well that he was referring to Freddie’s black shirt, with the elaborate puff sleeve, that he wore in the final episode.

Ella and Freddie have become best friends as she found herself out in the cold this last series
Ella and Freddie have become best friends as she found herself out in the cold this last seriesCredit: Instagram
Harry and Ella felt out after Harry went behind her back, telling Dan's ex about their Bali hook up
Harry and Ella felt out after Harry went behind her back, telling Dan’s ex about their Bali hook upCredit: Getty

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